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CipUX 3.2.8 Installation Guide for Debian-Edu/Skolelinux
This guide is brought to you by the work of many contributors; see revision history for details.

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                   CipUX 3.2.8 installation guide
                   for Debian-Edu/Skolelinux 2.0

                         Original by
                      Christian Kuelker

                         License GPL

Revision 0.1 2005-08-01 by Christian Kuelker   (init)
Revision 0.2 2005-08-11 by Christian Kuelker   (add chapter 2)
Revision 0.3 2005-08-12 by Christian Kuelker   (add Chapter 3)
Revision 0.4 2005-08-12 by Patrick Willam      (several checks, "wording")
Revision 0.5 2005-08-12 by Holger Sicking      (typo)
Revision 0.6 2005-08-12 by Christian Kuelker   (/etc/hosts correction)
Revision 0.7 2005-08-12 by Patrick Willam      (aptitude, backup)
Revision 0.8 2005-08-12 by Christian Kuelker   (First steps)
Revision 0.9 2005-08-12 by Radi Wieloch        (errors, numbers, orthography, grammar)
Revision 1.0 2005-08-12 by Christian Kuelker   (repository changed)
Revision 1.1 2005-08-17 by Ralf Gesellensetter (warning)
Revision 1.2 2005-08-19 by Christian Kuelker   (correct Revison, warning)
Revision 1.3 2005-08-19 by Christian Kuelker   (change first steps)
Revision 1.4 2005-08-23 by Christian Kuelker   (add cipux_maint_diagnostic pre)
Revision 1.5 2005-09-03 by Christian Kuelker   (add CAT setup)
Revision 1.6 2005-09-07 by Christian Kuelker   (add Samba configuration)
Revision 1.7 2005-09-07 by Christian Kuelker   (add Samba in cipux.conf)
Revision 1.8 2005-09-15 by Michael Stamm       (LDAP schema include place)
Revision 1.9 2005-09-21 by Georg Damm          (correct backup-path)
Revision 2.0 2005-10-06 by Christian Kuelker   (correct Samba install, add script)
Revision 2.1 2005-10-06 by Christian Kuelker   (samba access rights for LDAP)
Revision 2.2 2005-10-25 by Christian Kuelker   (samba default groups)
Revision 2.3 2005-11-01 by Juergen Leibner     (correct /etc/pam_ldap.conf)
Revision 2.4 2005-11-05 by Christian Kuelker   (application form installation)
Revision 2.5 2005-11-24 by Patrick Willam      (minor enhancements, clearifications)
Revision 2.6 2005-11-25 by Georg Damm          (hints to change WLUS-users to CipUX-users) 
Revision 2.7 2005-11-26 by Christian Kuelker   (clearifications)
Revision 2.8 2005-12-31 by Christian Gatzemeier (div. corrections and alternatives)
Revision 2.9 2006-01-27 by Martin Herweg       (install on pr06,image-deploy for fat clients)
Revision 3.0 2006-04-08 by Christian Kuelker   (ftp_proxy)
Revision 3.1 2006-04-14 by Christian Kuelker   (move to debian-wiki, some simplifications)
Revision 3.2 2006-05-19 by Christian Kuelker   (after Agreement, change License to GPL)


1   Preparing the Debian-Edu/Skolelinux system
1.1 Upgrading the LDAP server with CipUX schema
1.2 Prepare the CipUX package install process

2   Installing the CipUX framework packages

3   System configuration
3.1 Configuring the LDAP
3.2 Configure the CipUX framework
3.3 The webmin setup
3.4 Enter CAT
3.5 First steps

4   Additional system configuration
4.1 Samba configuration
4.2 CipUX-deploy

1   Preparing the Debian-Edu/Skolelinux system

    This manual is for the installation of CipUX 3.2.8 on a freshly
    installed Debian-edu/Skolelinux 2.0 with main server profile.

    *============================[ WARNING ]============================*
    ||                                                                 ||
    || WARNING: Do not use CipUX on a productive Debian-edu/Skolelinux || 
    || system, if you already have added users by means of WLUS        ||
    || (webmin-ldap-user-simple)!                                      ||
    || The installation will not delete your users, but this is not a  ||
    || migration manual and therefore the resulting LDAP datababase is ||
    || going to be unuseable for a productive environment.             ||
    ||                                                                 ||

    To install CipUX you will also need a working internet

    Almost all(!) steps in this installation manual have to be done on
    the machine which has been installed with the main server profile!
    This maschine identifies itself by the name "tjener".

    The only(!) steps that may also be done by using another machine
    are the few ones that are done by using a web-browser.

    Conventions in this manual:

    CTRL = press the control key
    CTRL-c press the control key, hold it, and press the c key

    $ = you may execute this command as any user
    # = you have to execute this command as root user

    (1)...(x) are command and output numbers and are used for
    references, they are not intended to be written.

    <OK> means pressing the button "OK".

    vim (you may use you favorite editor here)

    User-hint: (Some not tested advice from users)

1.1 Upgrading the LDAP server with CipUX schema

   Valid DNS names "ldap" and "cipux" are necessary.

   You need a valid name resolution for the ldap server
   and the host name cipux.

   Insert the name cipux into the /etc/hosts file by changing
   the line:

   (1) localhost

   to localhost cipux

      Userhint: Better and easy to do: Define a new cname (cannonical 
                name). Webmin ->Servers ->Bind DNS ->intern. 
                Zone ->Name Alias (Name: cipux Real Name: tjener)
                An ldap cname already exists in skolelinux. 

   You also need the resolution of the name ldap. Usually it
   should be resolved by the local DNS server.

   It can be tested with the command:

   $ ping ldap

   This should produce output like this:

   PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.
   64 bytes from tjener.intern ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.069 ms
   64 bytes from tjener.intern ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.070 ms
   64 bytes from tjener.intern ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.068 ms

   Cancel with CTRL-c

   If there is output like

   ping: unknown host ldap

   this means, that the computer can't know his own name as ldap,
   which should be the case for the server. A quick workaround for
   ipv4 networks is to edit the file /etc/hosts and change the line:

   (6)/etc/hosts       localhost cipux

   to       localhost ldap cipux

   Repeat the commands (2) and (6) until you receive the
   output of (3).

1.2 Prepare the CipUX package install process

   Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following lines:

   deb sid main contrib non-free
   deb sarge main contrib non-free

   Then switch off the proxy by typing

   export http_proxy=""
   export ftp_proxy=""

2   Installing the CipUX framework packages

   Execute these commands as root:

   # ping

   # CTRL-c

   # aptitude update

   (12) On some systems it must be done twice. (Ask a Debian guru why!)
   # aptitude update

   # aptitude install cipux-common cipux-cibot cipux-cat-webmin

3   System configuration

3.1 Configuring the LDAP

    First of all we need a well configured LDAP server and just
    to be save a backup.

    We look if the ldap server is started:

    #  ps ax | grep slapd | grep -v grep

    This should produce output like:

    2890 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/slapd -h ldap:/// ldaps:///

    This means the ldap server is running. So we stop it with:

    # /etc/init.d/slapd stop

    We have to be sure that the ldap server is stopped. So if
    we execute (14) again it should not generate any output.

    Then we make a temporary backup, which may only be used for
    this ldap version. We execute the archive program:

    # tar cvjf /skole/backup/tmp_backup_ldap.tar.bz2 /var/lib/ldap

    Backup Restore (Only if you need it!)
    |  If you want to restore your ldap data later, you may write the  |
    |  backup back (when the ldap server is NOT running!) with:        |
    |                                                                  |
    |  (18)                                                            |
    |  # /etc/init.d/slapd stop                                        |
    |  # rm -r /var/lib/ldap                                           |
    |  # cd /                                                          |
    |  # tar xvjf /skole/backup/tmp_backup_ldap.tar.bz2                |
    |  # /etc/init.d/slapd start                                       |

    Now we edit /etc/ldap/slapd.conf and add a new include line
    (at the END of the other includelines):

    # vim /etc/ldap/slapd.conf
    include /etc/ldap/schema/cipux.schema

    *============================[ WARNING ]============================*
    ||                                                                 ||
    || WARNING: You might like CipUX so much that you probably put the ||
    || include in front of the other includes. But: don't do that!     ||
    || You will get errors about the not known attribute uid.          ||
    ||                                                                 ||

    We start the ldap server again with:

    # /etc/init.d/slapd start

    And check if its started with (14). It should produce output
    like (15).

3.2 Configure the CipUX framework

    First of all we are on a Debian-edu/Skolelinux system,
    therefore we have to tell this to the CipUX framework by
    editing /etc/cipux/system.conf and change

    # vim /etc/cipux/system.conf
    Customer = default


    Customer = skolelinux

    Then you have to grant CipUX the access to the ldap server.
    On Debian-edu the already set root password is also the LDAP
    password. (It's NOT a new password!)
    We have to edit /etc/cipux/cipux.conf and change one line.
    If your LDAP pasword is "himitsu" you will have to change

    # vim /etc/cipux/cipux.conf



    (Use _your_ actual LDAP password instead of "himitsu"!)

    And only IF you also want to use Samba change



    After this we have to test the access to the ldap server:
    (paste this into one command line with propper spaceing)

    # /usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -p 389 -h localhost -ZZ -w 'himitsu' -D 'cn=admin,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no' -b 'uid=root,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no' -LLL

    (Again: use _your_ LDAP password instead of "himitsu"!)

    If we get:

    ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

    The LDAP password was wrong. 

    (Check for the command line syntax, the LDAP password
     and if the LDAP password is shell save)

    If we get:

    dn: uid=root,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
    objectClass: sambaSamAccount
    objectClass: account
    uid: root
    sambaSID: S-1-5-21-2697446647-283449030-1896125139-1000

    everything is ok. (The sambaSID may be different.)

    HINT [1]: If you plan to migrate from WLUS, use this link:

    Then we check some settings by

    # cipux_maint_diagnostic pre

    Now we have to change the ldap database by setting up the
    according CipUX structures. This is the most challenging task
    in the process and may not easily be reversible!
    Therefore the backup.

    What will the script do?
     - move ou=Machines,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skoelinux,dc=no
       to ou=Machines,dc=skole,dc=skoelinux,dc=no
     - add ou=CipUX,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skoelinux,dc=no
     - add some default objects: admin, and roles
     - DELETE some other objects!!!

    *============================[ WARNING ]============================*
    ||                                                                 ||
    || WARNING: This script is intended to run on a 'freshly'          ||
    ||          installed Debian-edu/Skolelinux release/ system        ||          
    ||                                                                 ||

    Execute the following command:

    # cipux_setup_ldap

    and hopefully it will perform the work to change the ldap

    To test the installation run the diagnostic script.

    # cipux_maint_diagnostic

    It should only generate tests with answers "ok".

    HINT [2]: If you plan to migrate from WLUS, use this link:

3.3 The webmin setup

    The final thing to do is to make the webmin module CAT
    accessible for the webmin user root.

    Start a browser (konqueror won't work!)

    User-hint: Konqueror works using https://localhost:10000 or 
     , other local addresses are 
               currently not in the proxy exception list (should 
               be changed to contain .intern.) and not allowed 
               in the proxy.

    $ mozilla-firefox

    and switch off the proxy in the browser.

    Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Connection Settings ...
      -> "Dircect connection to the Internet"-> <OK>

    Enter the following URL (location, address) into the
    browser's location bar:


    A certification dialog will pop up ...

    select "Accept this certificate permanently"


    Another dialog appears:
    "You have requested an encrypted page. The website has
     identified itself correctly, and information you see or
     enter on this page can easily be read by a third party."


    Username: root
    Password: himitsu

    (use _your_ root password instead of "himitsu"!)

    <never for this site>

    go to Webmin -> Webmin Users -> root

    select System -> CipUX Administration Tool

    press "save" button

    New in 3.2.9:
    If you want your users to be able to change there password with 
    userdata.cgi you have to do the following:

    * As the user root before, give the webmin user "pam" the 
      Webmin CAT module.

    New in 3.2.9:
    If you want to use the application form module (new in 3.2.9) inside 
    your institution without password (it doesnt mak sense with a password)
    you have to do the following:

    * create a webmin user 'applicationform'

    * add in webmin configuration:
      anonymous user access the to URLs to the user applicationform for:

3.4. Enter CAT
    In webmin you have to go to

    Webmin Index -> System -> CipUX Administration Tool

3.5 First steps

  If you plan to use Samba, please read 4.1 first.

  When you log in to CAT for the first time only the setup
  module (setup.cgi) is availible. You may use this as root
  or cipadmin.

  Follow the setup questions. After finishing the setup
  other modules will become availible depending on the setup.

  If you now want to create an user, you will fail because
  some objects do not exist yet. So please create the following
  objects first:

   (A) create a new group/course (example: class84 ) with
       the CAT module "groups"
       (German: "Gruppen")

   (B) create a private skel with "skeladmin"
       (German: "Vorlage Verzeichnis (skel)")

  After these object creations are done you now may add a
  new user with "User Support Sevice"
  (German: "Benutzerbetreuung")

4   Additional system configuration

  The additional system configuration is optional and doesn't have
  do be done on every system.

4.1 Samba configuration

  CipUX may be used in conjunction with samba. These steps should 
  be processed to get CipUX respect the additional features for
  Samba. Note that this section does not cover specific Samba problems.
  This section should be applied before the creation of users or
  groups or workstations.

  * Enable Samba in CipUX

  # vim /etc/cipux/cipux.conf




  * Edit the Samba configuration and check or change smb.conf.

  # vim /etc/samba/smb.conf

     ldap machine suffix = ou=Machines,ou=People

     ldap machine suffix = ou=Machines

   On Sarge this should work:
     passdb backend = ldapsam:ldaps://ldap

   On Woody this may work (if you disabled crypted connections):
     passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://ldap
     ldap ssl = start_tls
   Change the machine creation
     add machine script = /etc/samba/ %u

      add machine script = /usr/bin/cipux_add -m --attribute uid='%u'

   * check if the group "machine" exists:
   # id machines

   should give

   uid=900(machines) gid=900(machines) groups=900(machines),10000(none)

   If (3) failed you should add a group called "machines":

   # groupadd -g 900 machines

   Note: this group might go into LDAP in the future.
   * (This is not tested, remarks welcome) Change pam_ldap.conf
   This may only be important under the following condition:

   User-hint: With the current configuration tools you will lose your
              changes on the next upgrade if you change the ldap 
              settings by hand as described here. Use 

   Example: You create a new windows machine: ws24$
   If the command id 'ws24$' does not result in a line like
   uid=10936(ws24$) gid=900(machines) groups=900(machines)
   you should solve the problem by editing pam_ldap.conf
   (The numbers may be different)

A typo has been fixed here:
   # vim /etc/pam_ldap.conf

     # The distinguished name of the search base.
     # base dc=example,dc=net
     base ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
     # The distinguished name of the search base.
     # base dc=example,dc=net
     base dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no

   (7) Enable samba PDC with LDAP
   In /etc/ldap/slapd.conf change all

   (8) Create some default groups if you want to use some logon.bat

   Add the groups 'cipan' and 'sources' with CAT.

   cipan: Samba share to store application.
   Every user will get this share as drive I

   sources: Samba share where cipadmin may store CDs.
   cipadmin will get this share as drive J

4.2 Cipux-Deploy (after 3.2.9)

The CipUX deploy module is not part of 3.2.8.

4.2.1 install tftpd-hpa

apt-get install tftpd-hpa

Ignore the error messsage during install, because we run tftpd standalone , not with inetd.

edit the file 

# vim /etc/default/tftpd-hpa

   #Defaults for tftpd-hpa
   #OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot"
   OPTIONS=" -l -v -v -v -c -p -U 007 -u cipux -a -s /var/lib/tftpboot "

# id cipux

If the user user does not exist, then create it now:

# groupadd -g 200 cipux
# useradd -u 200 -g 200 -d /var/lib/tftpboot -s /bin/false cipux

# chown cipux /var/lib/tftpboot/cipux
# chown cipux /var/lib/tftpboot/cipux/conf
# chown cipux /var/lib/tftpboot/cipux/script
# /etc/init.d/inetd stop
# /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa start

 * remove inetd from the default runlevel
 * add tftpd-hpa to default runlevel

CipUX/Archive/en/Installation/3.2.8 (last edited 2006-06-12 19:57:12 by ChristianKuelker)