The CipUX project announce the release of CipUX-CAT-Web- as of 2010-01-11. SVN revision 4609.

CipUX-CAT-Web- can be downloaded from:

Initial Release

CAT-Web is a CipUX administration tool accessing CipUX configuration via a web interface. It is made out of several modules to distribute administration tasks like creating user and share accounts, setting passwords, deleting users, assigning users to groups.

This version comes out with 3 themes in 5 different languages. English, German and Japanese language has the most translations (so far).

The amount of modules is limited to the admin, teacher and student role with some basic administration tasks. The following modules are shipped:

admin.cgi admin_class_assignment.cgi admin_role_assignment.cgi class.cgi class_role_assignment.cgi index.cgi language.cgi module_access.cgi module_browser.cgi module_custody.cgi module_switch.cgi student.cgi student_class_assignment.cgi student_role_assignment.cgi teacher.cgi teacher_class_assignment.cgi teacher_role_assignment.cgi theme.cgi

Direct Contributors:

      Kurt Gramlich <> (documentation)
      Christian Kuelker <>
      Xavier Oswald <> (French)
      Jonas Smedegaard <> (Danish and others)
      Roland F. Teichert <> (German)

Many thanks also to numerous people who contribute in others ways to CipUX-CAT-Web: testing, feeback, ...

      Dr. Gerog Damm
      Andreas Brand
      Robert Glowienka
      Martin Herweg
      Harald Meyer
      Alexej Patsuchow    
      Harald Poppek
      Thomas Rhode

      and many others ...